Senin, 14 Desember 2015

opinion regarding the characteristics and traits of a fact

Differences Fact and Opinion, of course before we need to know first about understanding. Understanding Fact and Opinion understanding. Basically, facts and opinions have a notion that differ from each other. Then what is the sense of the facts and understanding about this?

The fact is an event or circumstance that is actually happening and not a myth and never seen by the man himself or has performed a testing and assurance in public and accompanied by evidence. The fact can be called as a result of the observation objective truth that can be verified by anyone. Puisi Tentang Cinta An audible information or news that could also be called a fact if it is indeed an event that actually happened.

Opinion is an idea, thought or opinion usually is not objective (subjective) and has not legalized the truth. Opinion is more inclined relative to a particular viewpoint. Such a prediction in which there has been no one who can make sure that it really exist or occur. Puisi Karena Cinta Although opinion is not a fact, but if it can be verified then the opinion will be referred to as fact.

Indirectly we've got what difference the facts and Opinion. Most people find it difficult to distinguish between facts and opinions. A true understanding of the differences between them lie in the presence or absence of things that can be verified or wait really happened.

Despite their differences, but the facts and opinions are likely to have something in common. To determine differences in opinion and fact, apart from the sense or meaning of his, we can see also from the characteristics:

The characteristics of the facts:

1.  It has been verified in public and are objective and true.
2.  Have accurate data or evidence to support the truth.
3.  Never seen by humans, and has done testing and assurance in public.

The characteristics of opinion:

1.  Has not been verified and are subjective.
2. Does not have any supporting data or evidence.
3.  Is an event that has not occurred, because it is an opinion.

Facts have data that must be tested for accuracy and is objective, so it can not rely on imagination. In the words of opinions usually are the words that allow something to happen and involves thinking imagination, such as: it looks like, should be, in my opinion, opinion, etc., because these words indicate that the sentence is still in the planning or opinions and unsubstantiated.

The fact is something that is undoubtedly true. Puisi Cinta Yang Islami While opinions still need to be verifiable. While the Opinion has not happened or is still a plan, just in the form of opinion and subjective nature, and his statement was also still evident. The fact is something that actually exists and actually occur, while opinions or views is the fruit of thought (approximate) somebody about something.

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